Saturday, October 20, 2012


Starting February 2012, BTGA will organize :

1. Monthly   - 3 Indoor CTRE's
2. Quarterly - 1 Outdoor CTRE.


25MAY 2013 - (SAT)           Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date
1. Agro Tourism Buah-Buahan di Malaysia
2.Gua-Gua di Malaysia
3. Bukit Melawati Kuala Selangor

29JUN 2013 - (SAT)      Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date
1. Mengenali Ikon Negeri
2. Sejarah Kegemilang Empire Malacca 1402-1511

27JUL 2013 - (SAT)    Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date
1. Herbal dan Manusia
2. Tokoh-Tokoh Tersohor Dahulu dan Sekarang
3. Mendekati Argo Tourism -

24Aug 2013 - (SAT)    Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date
1. Muzeum Akeologi Lengong Perak -
2. Taman Alam Kuala Selangor
3.Malaysia Fire Flies

14 Sept 2013 - (SAT)  Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date
1. Basic Knowledge of Islam
2. Mengenali Ikon Negeri
3. Keris Warisan Pusaka

12 Oct 2013 - (SAT)    Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date
1. Food Beverage and Services (Food Tourism)
2. Peranan Juru Iring / Penyelaras di Program Inap Desa
3. Gunung Ledang : Mitos dan Legendanya


25-28OCT 2013 (4D/3N -FRI-MON): CTRE to Perak Grik Royal Belum Boat House etc....
Min 40pax CTRE's (By Coach )  KIV TBA ASAP

08-11 MAR 2014 (4D/3N-FRI-MON) : CTRE to Johor 1nite @ Nasuha Herba Centre + 1nite JHB & ETC... (Subj to Approval)
Min 40pax CTRE's ( By Coach )

Notes :
1. Closing date for Indoor CTRE registration = 10 days before the actual date.
If there are less than 10 attendees, BTGA will not proceed with the course.
2. Closing date for Outdoor CTRE registration = 15 days before the actual date.

For further enquiries, please call BTGA @ 4043 8354 / 019-331 3089
019-224 8899/ 019 -206 8206 / 013-293 4402
013-311 7001 / 019-254 4811 / 012-641 8400
for clarification.