Hand baggage for all passengers will be screened at all various options of check-in i.e. at the counters and at the bag drop-off areas for those who check-in via the web and kiosks.
MAHB (Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad) will enforce this ruling for all airlines operating into and from KLIA. Strict screening will be done at all entrance points for flights. Checks will also be conducted at the check-in counters and boarding gates.
Safety and Comfort in the Cabin
Limiting the number of hand baggage pieces in the cabin minimises injuries caused by oversized baggage falling from the overhead compartments and ensures that each passenger has enough place to stow/keep their bags in the cabin.
The number of hand baggage pieces is determined by the class of travel.
Economy Class passengers are allowed 1 piece while First and Business Class passengers are allowed 2 pieces.
The one passenger, one hand baggage policy for all airlines at KLIA will be strictly enforced by MAHB and checks will be conducted at the entrance points for flights. For First and Business Class passengers who are allowed the 2nd hand baggage, this piece must be tagged at the check-in counter.
In addition to the hand baggage, the following personal items are allowed *:
· handbag, pocket book or purse
· briefcase
· an overcoat, wrap or blanket
· electronic equipment such as laptop, ipad & camera
· a small camera or a pair of binoculars
· a reasonable amount of reading material for the flight
· an infant carry cot
· Infant & children food for consumption in-flight
· Fully collapsible baby stroller (on wide body aircraft only)
· walking stick/canes or crutches and/or braces/prosthetic devices, which the passenger is dependent on
· Syringes or needles for personal medical use with needle guard in place. These have to be accompanied by the medication in its original labeled container.
*All hand baggage beyond the 1st piece must be tagged. Please enquire with the check-in/baggage drop-off counter staff.
More information on the baggage dimension can be found on the following link: http://www.malaysiaairlines.com/hq/en/bkinfo/trvlinfo/airport/baginfo/baggage-info.aspx
Checks at pre-embarkation and embarkation
At all check-in counters at KLIA and KL City Air Terminal, hand baggage test kits will be placed at the check-in area and departure hall entrances.
Our staff together with MAHB security personnel will insist that the hand baggage is sighted/produced at check-in, entrance points for flights and at the boarding gate. If the hand baggage exceeds the weight (5kg), customers might be required to have their bags placed in the cargo hold. Again, this is for safety.
Our Call of action
While this may be perceived as being rather unfriendly and inhospitable, please take the effort to explain this enforcement to our customers, corporate clients, travel agents, partners, Enrich members, public and private sector stakeholders.
Limiting the number of hand baggage pieces allows us to raise safety standards and comfort in the cabin for passengers and cabin crew:
· Customers are able to move in and out of seats easier as the passage ways are cleared of baggage,
· Embarkation and disembarkation from the aircraft cabin is quicker and efficient,
· Movement during transfers between flights/terminals is also faster and
· Most importantly, in the event of an emergency, the evacuation from the cabin is quick.
Duty Travel/Privilege-Rebated Travel for staff
For the 19,000 of us, we are also impacted by this policy enforcement too.
As staff travelers, the next time you travel for duty or leisure, do adhere to the weight limits of the hand baggage and check-in baggage.
Next – systemwide implementation & communication
While this is rolled out at KUL, regional/area/district/airport managers will be advised of effective dates when they will also need to match this guideline at their station for consistency in the MH network.
In several regions/stations based on airport authority or home base airline ruling, this policy is already imposed on Malaysia Airlines and its customers for strict compliance.
Travel advisory notices/reminders on our website will be uploaded later today and signages at check-in islands at level 5-KLIA and KLCAT will be also placed. Concise briefing packs for MH Team Talks among the frontline teams will be emailed to the various departmental heads/team leaders later today. It will also be loaded onto MH Pulse/Think Customer/Products and Services (http://mhpulse.mas.net/).
If you have any questions on the mechanics and implementation of this policy or have useful feedback, please send me an email at yusopj@malaysiaairlines.com or ssaad@malaysiaairlines.com